Online Private School Costs

Each student will need to have their own laptop or tablet, with video/microphone capabilities. Laptops are preferred for ease.
Cameras are also a must! (A phone camera is acceptable) Students takes photos for their class journals, projects, and presentations.
We provide 75% of the supplies needed for the school year.
Every student receives their own microscope, rulers, drawing pads, pastels, glue, and other project supplies.
Other supplies, like food for a culinary project, will have to be provided by the families.

Families are responsible for the following optional expenses:
• Field Trips -- Families are responsible for covering related costs if their student chooses to attend any of our optional field trips, which are held throughout the year to foster academic, social, and emotional skill development.
• Additional Supplies -- We provide all necessary supplies for projects and classes. Any additional supply like notebooks or pencils are up to the student and their family.